Writing Guide with Synthesis Essay

Writing Guide with Synthesis Essay

Writing a synthesis paper is just like creating any other form of thesis. According to the synthesis essay definition, it is a written discussion of ideas. They tend to draw on two or more sources from academic papers, fiction sources, speeches, interviews, articles, lectures, or observations.

In other words, if you have two ideas from a similar topic, you can isolate the core of what they’re trying to say. For instance, you might have a paper that examines the use of smartphones in the modern world, and another on the rise of teenagers in social media. After synthesizing the information, you may come up with a combined thesis like: smartphones and social media are not destroying a generation.


Two Types of Synthesis

  1. Explanatory Synthesis Essay

This type helps readers get a better understanding of a topic. Instead of arguing a point, the goal here is to explain a particular topic.

In the body, explain the topic using sources and present these sources objectively. Like in any regular writing assignment, back up each supporting claim with two or more credible sources.

  1. Argument Synthesis Essay

The goal of this type of paper is to argue a specific topic and justify it with evidence. Unlike the explanatory type, here you will do the same thing you would do if working on a regular argumentative paper. State your position, make supporting claims, and then provide credible evidence to back up each claim.

How to Choose a Topic

A synthesis paper prompt must be debatable. Depending on your assignment, you may have to choose a primary text. Choose a book that might have opposing viewpoints.

Step 1: Browse through topics and ideas. Read from sources and check selected topics in-depth to see if any of them take your interest.

Step 2: Choose a topic, then gather relevant and useful sources to include in your synthesis paper.

Step 3: Apply ideas from the sources onto your synthesis essay outline. Doing so should make writing far easier and save you time.

It is important for good synthesis essay topics to be debatable as if they have been in public conversations for decades. This makes them emotionally-charged for all sides involved, and this will likely mean that a lot of evidence for them will be widely available.

Examples include:

  • Income inequality
  • Progressive taxation policy
  • Immigration policy
  • Drug legalization
  • Gun control

Bad topics would be ones in which the debate has long been over, and the scientific community has provided an objective answer for them. Also, bad topics may include those that have a yes or no answer. For instance:

  • The Flat-Earth theory
  • The safety and effectiveness of vaccines
  • Racial supremacy
  • Does gravity exist?
  • Should we trust doctors?
Synthesis Essay Structure

Creating an outline will be useful for structuring your synthesis paper and planning your work. Paste supporting evidence, sub-arguments, and specific points in the appropriate sections. Make sure that every aspect proves the claim of your thesis. Any extra information will only make your paper worse.

If the information goes against your central claim, then you should acknowledge it, as it will make your paper stronger. Make sure you check all of the sources you’ve picked carefully. When writing about the causes, do not summarize them – analyze them. Read further for a sample synthesis essay outline.

The basic synthesis essay outline template contains three major parts:

  1. Introduction with a thesis statement
  2. Body, which contains arguments and counterarguments to the thesis
  3. Conclusion

An outline for a synthesis essay starts with an introduction, which is a brief description of what the paper will be about. It will consist of a hook, the background and relevance of your topic, and the thesis statement.

Tips for Writing a Synthesis Essay

A key factor in working on a synthesis paper is doing a proper analysis of a given text or prompt. To successfully analyze it, you must comprehend the text’s purpose, rhetoric, and the argument the author claims. In other words, you are answering the question: “So what?” Then, you must build your application, and write your work around that.

  1. Avoid titling the assignment as ‘synthesis essay’ followed or preceded by a relevant title.
  2. Remember to address your readers appropriately.
  3. Use precise vocabulary. Don’t be shy about using a dictionary.
  4. Use a clear sentence structure. Avoid using passive voice.
  5. Proofread and correct errors: spelling, comma errors, subject-verb agreements, plurals, possessives. And avoid using the word “you.”
  6. Make sure your citations are correct.
  7. Make use of sentence and paragraph transitions Writing Guide with Synthesis Essay.

Writing Techniques

Make use of Summarizing: One of the simplest methods of organization. It allows you to summarize the sources that possess the highest amount of relevance. The issue with this is that this method doesn’t include any of your independent thoughts.

Examples: Paraphrase source material. Write segments of sources in your own words. Quoting sources can also be used under this technique. In every case of using examples, make sure to cite the source.

Multiple Reasons: Using multiple reasons – typically two – is known to be an extremely effective method.

Strawman: Present one argument against your thesis. Though, make sure the argument is not very strong. The advantage of this method is to teach awareness of the other side of the argument. This type of evidence presents an introduction and description. It is followed by the opposing view and a decisive factor Writing Guide with Synthesis Essay.

Concession: This technique illustrates the opposing viewpoint. It shows the positives being much stronger than the negatives.

Compare and Contrast: The compare and contrast method allows writers to examine two sources at once. Comparing shows similarities, as contrasting shows the differences. Illustrating an in-depth analysis of your chosen topic is possible.


Synthesis Essay Format

The synthesis paper format depends on what style is required by your teacher or professor. The most common formats are: MLA, APA, and Chicago style. APA is used in fields of Education, Psychology, and Science; MLA is used for citing Humanities; and Chicago style is used for Business, History, and Fine Arts. Purdue Owl is a format guide you can use that focuses mainly on MLA and APA, and Easy bib is a citation multitool you can use for citing any of your external sources. Writing Guide with Synthesis Essay

Synthesis essay formats

MLA Format

Some key points are:

  • Times New Roman 12 pt font double-spaced
  • 1” margins
  • Top right corner includes last name and page number on every page
  • Titles are centered
  • The header should include your name, your professor’s name, course number, and the date (dd/mm/yy)
  • The last page includes a “Works Cited” page

APA Format

Some key points are:

  • Times New Roman 12 pt font double-spaced 1” margins
  • Include a page header on the top of every page
  • Insert page number on the top right
  • The synthesis essay structure should be divided into four parts: Title Page, Abstract, Main Body, and References.

Chicago Style

Some key points are:

  • Times New Roman 12 pt.
  • Use double-spacing amongst the lines of the paper.
  • Use one-inch margins.
  • Use ½ inch indents for paragraph beginnings.
  • Write with left-justified text that has a rugged edge.
  • Use full names of people or organizations.
  • The bibliography is to be on a separate page.
Synthesis Essay Rubric

High range (8-9 points)

  • Effectively develops a position on the assigned topic.
  • Demonstrates full understanding of the sources or text.
  • Correctly synthesizes sources and strengthens a position. The writer drives the argument, not the sources.
  • The writer’s argument is convincing.
  • The writer makes no general assertions and cites specific evidence for each point. His/her evidence is developed and answers the “So what?” question.
  • The paper is clear, well-organized, and coherent. It is a stand-alone piece rather than an exam response.
  • Contains very few grammatical and spelling errors or flaws, if any Writing Guide with Synthesis Essay
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