Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development.

Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development.


Assignment: Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting

Nursing is a very highly regulated profession. There are over 100 boards of nursing and national nursing associations throughout the United States and its territories. Their existence helps regulate, inform, and promote the nursing profession. With such numbers, it can be difficult to distinguish between BONs and nursing associations, and overwhelming to consider various benefits and options offered by each.Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development.


Both boards of nursing and national nursing associations have significant impacts on the nurse practitioner profession and scope of practice. Understanding these differences helps lend credence to your expertise as a professional.

In this Assignment, you will practice the application of such expertise by communicating a comparison of boards of nursing and professional nurse associations. You will also share an analysis of your state board of nursing.Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development.

To Prepare:

  • Assume that you are leading a staff development meeting on regulation for nursing practice at your healthcare organization or agency.
  • Review the NCSBN and ANA websites to prepare for your presentation.

The Assignment: (9- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation)

Develop a 9- to 10-slide Voice-Over PowerPoint Presentation that addresses the following:

  • Describe the differences between a board of nursing and a professional nurse association.
  • Describe the geographic distribution, academic credentials, practice positions, and licensure status of members of the board for your specific region/area.
    • Who is on the board?
    • How does one become a member of the board?
  • Describe at least one federal regulation for healthcare.
    • How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare (e.g., CMS, OSHA, and EPA)?
    • Has there been any change to the regulation within the past 5 years? Explain.Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development.
  • Describe at least one state regulation related to general nurse scope of practice.
    • How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?
    • How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?
  • Describe at least one state regulation related to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs).
    • How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?
    • How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development.

Differences between BONs and Professional Nurse Associations

BONs regulate nursing practice in the interests of the public, whereas professional nurse associations regulate nursing practice to serve the best interests of nurses.

BONs are prohibited from lobbying for state legislation whereas, nurse associations can lobby for regulations that promote the nursing profession.Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development.

BONs are not-for-profit state agencies funded by the state, whereas professional nurse associations are private entities that require members to pay so as to enjoy their benefits

The Oregon State Board of Nursing (OSBN)

Is the body responsible for regulating the nursing profession in Oregon State.

Interprets the Oregon Nurse Practice Act.

Issues licenses and renewals.Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development.

Investigates complaints and takes disciplinary action against licensees who violate the state’s nurse practice act.

Maintains the nursing assistant registry and administers competency evaluations for nursing assistants.

Provides testimony to legislative and other organizations as required.Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development.


Composition of the Board Composed of nine members where;

Two are public members,

Four are registered nurses,

One is a licensed practical nurse,

One is a certified nursing assistant and,

One is a nurse practitioner.

One becomes a member of the board by appointment by the Governor of the State of Oregon.Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development.

The Oregon Administrative Rule Chapter 851, Division 45 of the Nurse Practice Act

Defines the scope and standards of practice for registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs).

Grants RNs the scope to independently engage in nursing practice.

Sets out the educational requirements for a registered nurse as diploma, associate’s degree, baccalaureate degree or master’s degree in a nursing education program.Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development.

Gives LPNs have the scope of authority to practice under the clinical direction and supervision of a physician, nurse practitioner, dentist, or a registered nurse, after completing a 9-18 month nursing practice education program.


Impact on nurse’s role, delivery, cost and access to healthcare

Specifies the duties and responsibilities that a general nurse can undertake with regard to diagnosing illness and prescribing treatment.Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development.

Lays the foundation for the professional relationship between nurses and supervising physicians (for LPNs) or collaborating physicians (for RNs).

Better delivery of healthcare by emphasizing educational preparedness and practice competencies required of nurses.


Cost effectiveness is achieved and there is more efficient delivery of nursing care and focused utilization of nursing skills.

Enhanced access and utilization of healthcare facilitated by skilled and competent RNs and LPNs.Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development.


The Oregon Administrative Rule Chapter 851, Division 50 of the Nurse Practice Act.

Defines the scope of practice and authority of APRNs to independently diagnose illness and independently prescribe treatment within the limits of their type of license, practice competencies, and educational preparedness.

Requisite qualifications for APRNs are an active registered nurse license, and master’s degree or doctorate in a nursing program.Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development.


Impact on nurse’s role, delivery, cost, and access to healthcare

Classifies different specializations which are specified in license types, and gives nurses the capacity to independently assume responsibilities in neonatal and pediatric care, acute care, family and adult-gerontology care, mental health, midwifery, and women’s health

Facilitates broader delivery of healthcare.

There’s lower cost of healthcare due to a larger pool of healthcare providers.

Better access to healthcare because of authority of APRNs to independently provide healthcare.


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